           InkHeart is a book about books. Sounds funny, but it is true. A girl and her father both have Silver tongue. Every time they read a book out load whatever they read comes to life. When Meggy was little her father was reading a book to her and her mother. He has a silver tongue so whatever he read came true. A few minutes later, everything came to life. Meggy's mother got put in to the book accidentally he replaced a character from the book. In ink heart their quest is to save her mother and put the character that replaced her mother to put him back in the book, And to take her mother out of the book. It is also a movie. I hope you read it or watch it. I really you read it.

Her Evil Twin is a very interesting book. Her Evil Twin is about a girl who gets a note to meet in the old girls washroom. The note was from the most popular girls in school, but the old girls washroom is told to be very creepy. When she gets to the washrooms they were there. The most popular girls in school were there. One of the girls said "So you want to be in our club." She replies "yes." The group of girls say "In the mirror say something. I am not really sure what the girls told her to say. I guess I forgot anyway back to the topic. And then she gets her evil twin. I don’t remember much about the book like I said before. BYE!!!      

    The Dead End is about a girl named Casey, who moves to a new home. The house is creepy. Things fall over without being touched. Cabinets open but no one opens them. Casey finds an old diary that belongs to a girl. Casey soon discovers the house she lives in, use to be owned by a girl who died. A man at the market place always looks at Casey like she is a ghost. The man decides to tell her that the house she lives in was owned by a girl and that she looks exactly like her. Casey finds out more about the girl. Casey finds out there is a ghost in the house. She wonders is the ghost is there for revenge or something else.  One day her house sets on fire. An unexpected ghost saves her. That is what is about. It’s a really interesting book.  This is a book I recommend.

    Bridge to Terabithia is a story about friendship. A boy named Jess Aarons; has been training all summer to be the fastest in his grade. But he has a problem. Another girl named Leslie is very fast too. Jess unexpectedly becomes friends with Leslie. Together they create an imaginary world called Terabithia. That is the main story line. It doesn't sound very interesting. I don’t really want to read it. It sounds like an ok a grade 4 or 5 would read. I might just read it. My little sisters want to read the book badly, but I don't let them read it. I still want to read it. I will read it and give my opinion.  

     At First Bite is about vampires. At First Bite is about a girl named Ashlee who is a vampire. Ashlee moves to L.A. At her new school she finds out that a dark one is attacking people from her school. A dark one is a group of people who suck human blood. The people who are attacked are badly hurt. Some doctors say that they have been bitten by a bat or a vampire. Even though they know vampires are not real, vampires are getting a bad reputation. Ashlee knows that if there are any more attacks they have a huge chance of being discovered. Ashlee must find out who is behind these crimes. SPOILER: Mr Hulker is the one who does all the attacks. I guessed from the beginning and I was right. I think you should read this book it's a short story. It’s not too short but still. You should pick up any poison apple book. They are very good.

I have my own copy of a Wrinkle in Time; I can't wait to start reading it. The author’s description about the book is not really good. (In my opinion it is not good.)It says “Out of this wild night, a strange visitor comes to the Murry house and Becons meg, her brother Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin O Keefe on a most dangerous and extraordinary adventure one that will threaten their lives and our universe." I don't like the description given like I said before. My sister said it is a good book. I am going to read it when I go back to school on Monday. I can't wait!!!  

    My sister told me to read the book "The Outsiders." I have no idea what it is about. She told me that the book is very interesting. She said that she read the book while doing a book report in class. She told me that the names of the characters are strange, for example some of the characters are Soda pop, Pony boy, dally, Two bit etc. She told me she would not tell me anything about the book because she knows I won’t read it. She told me that there are sad deaths and some very interesting acts. I asked her to tell me one interesting part and she told me that "There was a fire and there were a lot of children close to the fire. He went out to save the children. No one expected him to save them because he is a greaser." That got me thinking that the book might be about greasers and other kind of people. Probably the greasers are not treated fair or something. I am going to take a visit to Albert Campbell to see if I can borrow the book and other books I want to read.

    My cousin told me about this book. This book is also a movie. If you think this book is about pie you are wrong. Very wrong. This book is about a boy named Pi who lives in India, with his father. His father owns a big zoo. His father decides to go to Canada to sell all of his animals and get a lot of money. He sells his zoo to buy big boat. On the boat he loads his animals and they are ready to sail. Half way there the boat sinks. His father dies and so do the animals. When Pi reaches Canada, lucky to survive, he notices something moving underneath a big piece of cloth. When he lifts the cloth a big tiger jumps out ready to eat him. The boy is able to tame the tiger. Slowly they become friends. The tiger and the boy live a long life together. This story is about friendship. You can become friends with plants, animals, people etc. Its strange but true, I really liked the story line. It's really unique. On your left is the book cover. Underneath is the movie cover. I hope you read the book. Read the book and then watch the movie. It's better that way! 

    A lot of people have told me that Lord Of the Rings is a really good book/movie. I didn't have a chance to read the book, or watch the movie. I have been suggested to watch the movie instead of reading the book. The movie is really long. I don't like to sit in front of the TV for a long time, so I am not so sure, if I should watch it. Anyway I think that the main plot is that there is a ring and it carries black magic. If you wear the ring you can stay alive forever, but the ring is also very attractive. Anyone who looks at the ring will want it. They would do anything for it; even kill the person wearing it. A boy was sent out to destroy the ring. The boy is in great danger keeping the ring. I think that is the main plot. I am not sure if that is right or not. I have also been told that lord of the rings is an evil king who lost a bark magic ring. He has looked for it all his life and has never found it. One day the boy’s uncle gives him the ring to destroy. Along the way the evil king found out he has the ring and wants to kill him so his quest is to protect the ring and destroy it too. The movie trailer is on the bottom!   

       A Tale of Two castles is a really good book so far. It is the second book after Ella Enchanted. Sharar gave me her copy to read, and I gave her Ella Enchanted. I am not done the book. I just started. I think I am on page 35 or is it page 50. The author wrote a good description on what the book is about. She wrote "Elodie journeys to the town of two castles to become a mansioner-an actress- but the master of the troupe turns her away. Brilliant dragon Meenore takes her in then sends her on a dangerous mission within an ogre's castle. There, disguised as a kitchen maid, she plays a role of a lifetime, pitted against foe intent on murder. Black-and-white cats, a handsome cat trainer, a greedy king, a giddy princess, a shape shifting ogre, a brilliant dragon...Elodie must discover which of them are kind, which is cruel and most of all, which is the one who deserves her trust." After reading this I really got hooked in to the book. I think this is a really good book so far. You should read it.