       A Tale of Two castles is a really good book so far. It is the second book after Ella Enchanted. Sharar gave me her copy to read, and I gave her Ella Enchanted. I am not done the book. I just started. I think I am on page 35 or is it page 50. The author wrote a good description on what the book is about. She wrote "Elodie journeys to the town of two castles to become a mansioner-an actress- but the master of the troupe turns her away. Brilliant dragon Meenore takes her in then sends her on a dangerous mission within an ogre's castle. There, disguised as a kitchen maid, she plays a role of a lifetime, pitted against foe intent on murder. Black-and-white cats, a handsome cat trainer, a greedy king, a giddy princess, a shape shifting ogre, a brilliant dragon...Elodie must discover which of them are kind, which is cruel and most of all, which is the one who deserves her trust." After reading this I really got hooked in to the book. I think this is a really good book so far. You should read it. 

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