Skinny in a book with a lot of ups and downs. It is about a girl named Ever who is really fat. She thinks being skinny and beautiful is all that matters. Skinny a little fairy creature always whispers to her what others think of her. She gets really tired of being fat that she decides to do a surgery to make her skinny. After her surgery she thinks she will have a much better life, but something else ahead of her. Everything seems to be looking up. but that changes when the school dance comes up. Jackson the one who invited her to the school dance left her there too. Will she ever be happy again? Find out by reading Skinny .


                    Between shades of Gray is a really sad book. The story is in the point of view of a girl named Lina. This book takes place back when Hitler was around, that would be about in the 1941.  On night before Lina is about to go to sleep Soviet officers come in and arrest their family separating Lina from her father. They were forced to travel up north in an old dirty train car. While Lina was in the car she saw a few shocking things.  When they arrive to their destination, they were told to work in the coldest parts of Siberia.  At the camp they were to survive a very tough life of her own. She always gets flashbacks remembering her time in Lithuanian. But surviving was not easy, when you were to dig beets (and other things too) all day long and was left to work in the cruelest conditions. While they are at the prison camp her brother gets scurvy, when they go to the commander to ask for some extra food he just laughs and tells her mother to leave. Not only did that if you were caught stealing any food or doing anything the commander not like you would be killed.  While Lina is at the camp she starts drawing pictures of things that happen. She hopes that the one day the pictures reach her father’s prison camp for him to see and for him to know that they were OK and alive. With all the courage and hope Lina has, she hopes to survive. But she could not do that without love, hope, courage and faith inside her. In the end her dad dies and then soon enough her fathers dies too.Then there like a few days laters page~