    My cousin told me about this book. This book is also a movie. If you think this book is about pie you are wrong. Very wrong. This book is about a boy named Pi who lives in India, with his father. His father owns a big zoo. His father decides to go to Canada to sell all of his animals and get a lot of money. He sells his zoo to buy big boat. On the boat he loads his animals and they are ready to sail. Half way there the boat sinks. His father dies and so do the animals. When Pi reaches Canada, lucky to survive, he notices something moving underneath a big piece of cloth. When he lifts the cloth a big tiger jumps out ready to eat him. The boy is able to tame the tiger. Slowly they become friends. The tiger and the boy live a long life together. This story is about friendship. You can become friends with plants, animals, people etc. Its strange but true, I really liked the story line. It's really unique. On your left is the book cover. Underneath is the movie cover. I hope you read the book. Read the book and then watch the movie. It's better that way! 

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