"Rules" is a good book. It's about a girl named Catherine who has a little brother with autism. She doesn't like her little brother because of his disability. Every week David (her little brother) goes to O.T, and Catherine has to come to. In the clinic (O.T) she meets a new friend named Jason. Jason also has a disability, he can't speak. They become good friends. Catherine is despite to have a normal little brother so; she decides to write rules for him to follow. At one point of the book Catherine starts to wonder many things like what is normal? SPOILER: At the end of the book she accepts the fact her little brother has autism. In my opinion it is a really good book. I really like the message of the book. I think you should read it.   

   Blindsided is a really sad book in my opinion. It's about a girl named Natalie, who slowly turns blind. Natalie has to go to a school for people who are blind. There she will have to learn the skills of being blind. At first she hated the school and wanted to leave has quickly as possible, but that was not possible. While she was at the school she started to understand that being blind or having a disability was not easy. Along the way Natalie meets new friends, sad moments, and hopes with all her heart that she will be able to get her eyesight back. I really liked this book because of the detail. It shows a lot of detail and a lot of emotions. The book made me really sad because Natalie turns blind forever. I think you should read this book.