Our class has started reading groups. My teacher gave us 3 books to read. Rules, Elephant Run and a Circle of Silver. I was told to read Rules. My friend, Nimisha and Rifah told me to read "Elephant Run". They said it is an amazing book with a lot of detail. I asked them to tell me the story, but they said no, and told me to read the book. I posted a small paragraph about "Rules." on this page if you want to know a little bit about it. Nuha my other friend told me that a circle of silver is not the best book in the world. In her opinion it is boring, but I want to read it anyway.  Sibat another one of my friend she likes the book 'A circle of Silver". If you have any book suggestions for me, please add a comment to tell me.  (On your left is the book cover of “Elephant Run,”)  

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