     Big Nate is a really funny comic book series. It is about a boy named Nate who is really full of himself in my opinion. He's a trouble maker in school, more than he is at home. Nate has two good friends, Teddy and Francis. Nate's arch rival is a boy named Artur A.K.A Mr.lucky. I guess you can say Nate is jealous or Artur in many ways. Anyway Nate does not get good grades, but loves playing sports. Nate tries to impress other people, with his awesome skills or with his impressive drawing. (Nate gets pouched in the face a lot while showing his mad skills) Nate always tries to better than Gina . (Gina and Nate are enemies.)  Nate always tries to be better than Gina and Artur. It is a really funny series. I think people who don't like sad stories or thick stories should read Big Nate. Big Nate is a good book to read when you what a good laugh. :)  

3/25/2013 07:51:32 am

I like that book a lot.!!!!!!!


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