Gail Carson Levine was born on September 17 1947 (Age 65) Gail was born and raised in New York City. Gail enjoys writing teenage literature. The first book she wrote was "Ella Enchanted." (If you go to my book blog you can read what "Ella Enchanted" is about) She got a Notable work(s) award for the book Ella Enchanted. She also won the Newbery Honor. When Gail first started her writing career she wrote Ella Enchanted in the year 1997. Gail has written 21 books in her writing career. She has a new book coming up called Beloved Elodie. She has rewritten 2 books. The fairies mistake retelling toads and Diamond. She wrote the princess test retelling The Princess and the Pea. This is a little bit about Gail Carson Levine.   

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